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Philosophy/Instructional Philosophy
Our philosophy of teaching is an amalgamation of:
- Essentialism- A traditional approach that focuses on the essential skills and subjects that all young children should learn. It relies on knowledge being passed from teacher to student.
- Progressivism- A student-centered philosophy that focuses on experiential learning, problem-solving, critical thinking, and social skills. It values the scientific method and promotes collaboration.
- Positivism- A teacher-centered philosophy that focuses on evidence-based learning and verifiable notions. It relies on concrete data and knowledge gained through experiments.
- Perennialism- A teacher-centered philosophy that focuses on reason, principles, and personal development. It views knowledge as enduring and seeks everlasting truths
- Reconstructionism- A student-centered philosophy that focuses on world events, controversial issues, and social progress
Teachers use CBSE guidelines to devise interesting and activity- based lessons. The concerned curriculum is followed for each class. Students take charge and collaborate when appropriate during discussions to enhance learning.
This provides teacher- based and student-based learning to take place, whilst gaining an array of understanding and awareness.
Moreover, students take charge during co- curricular activities. This allows them to conduct their own research and implement their findings. It also creates competitiveness between students thus raising the bar of expertise each time.